
Hola, wass up?

How's everybody? I'm joining y'all to see what's so fun out here. My Sweety loves it. He blogs constantly and has way too much fun. Is there such a thing? No.

Que onda? Anyone else craaaazy about animals? Yeah, we have a zoo. OK, we have two zoos. We have the West and the East Zoo. Cats stay on the West side of the house and the other side belongs to the rabbit, snails and bettas. All together we have 14 critters here. We love it and we want more. I can't be the only animal fiend out there. The only thing we're waiting for is a bigger house. Well, we could get the dog as soon as we fix the fence. At this time, however, we're so spoiled with the easy care cats that we're not sure we are ready for a dog. We just got the Netherland Dwarf bunny a week ago and it seems like a good way to break in to that higher-maintenance routine. She sure is adorable. Who knew they could be so fun? It's been a blast so far to have the bunny here. We've waited five years to find the perfect dog and to get the house ready. What's a couple more years, right?

Yep that's it for tonight. Have a good one. Buenas noches.

1 comment:

mizzzthanggg said...

welcome, welcome, Gilbert Jones's girlfriend!!! Was hoping to hear from ya sometime and here u are. Greetings to u from Malaysia!